AggData monitors upcoming retail store closings and maintains an active database of store locations and anticipated closing dates.

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Weekly Store Closings

Description Price
Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #267
Weekly Issue #267 (Store Closings through May 23, 2023)
This list of future store closings announced during 07/29/2022 - 08/05/2022 includes Halloween City (27 locations closing), Geico (14 locations closing), Wells Fargo (13...Read more

Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #266
Weekly Issue #266 (Store Closings through October 25, 2022)
This list of future store closings announced during 07/22/2022 - 07/29/2022 includes Olympia Sports (41 locations closing), Halloween City (20 locations closing), Rite Aid...Read more

Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #265
Weekly Issue #265 (Store Closings through September 23, 2023)
This list of future store closings announced during 07/15/2022 - 07/22/2022 includes Chase (11 locations closing), Community Bank (8 locations closing), Bank of America (...Read more

Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #264
Weekly Issue #264 (Store Closings through November 29, 2022)
This list of future store closings announced during 07/08/2022 - 07/15/2022 includes Halloween City (22 locations closing), Lume Cannabis Co. (4 locations closing), Chase (3...Read more

Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #263
Weekly Issue #263 (Store Closings through November 29, 2022)
This list of future store closings announced during 07/01/2022 - 07/08/2022 includes Chase (11 locations closing), Bank of America (9 locations closing), Wells Fargo...Read more

Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #262
Weekly Issue #262 (Store Closings through January 24, 2023)
This list of future store closings announced during 06/24/2022 - 07/01/2022 includes South State Bank (19 locations closing), Bank of America (8 locations closing), Best Buy...Read more

Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #261
Weekly Issue #261 (Store Closings through November 24, 2022)
This list of future store closings announced during 06/17/2022 - 06/24/2022 includes CarLotz (11 locations closing), White House of Music (2 locations closing), Tuesday Morning...Read more

Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #260
Weekly Issue #260 (Store Closings through December 31, 2022)
This list of future store closings announced during 06/10/2022 - 06/17/2022 includes Simply Mac (20 locations closing), Rio Ranch Market (6 locations closing), King Kullen...Read more

Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #259
Weekly Issue #259 (Store Closings through August 31, 2022)
This list of future store closings announced during 06/03/2022 - 06/10/2022 includes Fallas Discount Stores (44 locations closing), Simply Mac (31 locations closing), Olympia...Read more

Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #258
Weekly Issue #258 (Store Closings through August 30, 2022)
This list of future store closings announced during 05/27/2022 - 06/03/2022 includes Sears Hometown (36 locations closing), CVS (2 locations closing), Squan Furniture (...Read more
