AggData monitors upcoming retail store closings and maintains an active database of store locations and anticipated closing dates.

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Weekly Store Closings

Description Price
Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #4

Weekly Issue #4 (Store Closings through September 15, 2017)

This list of future store closings announced during 06/23/2017 – 06/30/2017 includes Sears (4 locations closing), Save-A-Lot (3), Marsh Supermarkets (2) and locations from 6 other companies.  Each listing...Read more


Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #3

Weekly Issue #3 (Store Closings through December 31, 2017)

This list of future store closings announced during 06/16/2017 – 06/23/2017 includes Sears (81 locations closing), Gander Mountain (2), Walmart (2) and locations from 10 other companies.  Each listing includes...Read more


Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #2

Weekly Issue #2 (Store Closings through October 1, 2017)

This list of future store closings announced during 06/09/2017 – 06/16/2017 includes Marsh Supermarkets (41 locations closing), Gander Mountain (9), Walmart (2) and locations from 6 other companies.  Each listing...Read more


Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #1

Weekly Issue #1 (Store Closings through September 15, 2017)

This list of future store closings announced during 06/01/2017 – 06/09/2017 includes Kmart (49 locations closing), Sears (23), Payless (15), Dearden's (7), J.C. Penney (2), Walmart (2) and locations from 12...Read more


Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #341

Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #341

Future Retail Store Closings - Weekly Issue #341
